API - Planyo Web Services - modify_resource

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Use this function to make modifications to an existing resource. You can modify any number of fields in a single call


resource_id int required
ID of the resource
name string optional
Resource name
description string optional
Resource description
quantity int optional
New quantity
min_rental_time float optional
Minimum rental time expressed in hours
max_rental_time float optional
Maximum rental time expressed in hours
available_from int optional
Resource setting Available on working days from. This only applies to hour-based resources. This should be a single integer (using a 24-hour clock), e.g. 8 means 8am
available_until int optional
Resource setting Available on working days until. This only applies to hour-based resources. This should be a single integer (using a 24-hour clock), e.g. 18 means 6pm
start_times string optional
Resource setting Restrict starting times. This only applies to hour-based resources. The different times should be comma-separated.
confirmation_method int optional
Resource setting Confirmation method. The possible values are: 1 = moderator, 2 = password, 3 = manual, 4 = auto, 5 = optional payment, 6 = obligatory payment
min_time_between_rentals float optional
Resource setting Min. time between consecutive rentals, expressed in hours (enter e.g. 0.25 for a 15-min period).
min_hours_to_rental float optional
Resource setting Min. time between reservation and rental. The time is expressed in hours
max_days_to_rental int optional
Resource setting Max. time between reservation and rental. This is an integer, time is expressed in days.
start_quarters Quarters optional
Allowed start quarters (only for hour-based resources)
currency string optional
Upper-case 3-letter (ISO 4217) currency code e.g. EUR, USD, CHF, GBP etc.
default_price string optional
Resource's default price (first row in the pricing manager). This can be also used to specify a new custom pricing script (see Q137 in the FAQ)
default_price_type int optional
Type (unit) of the price passed in default_price (0=per default time unit, this depending on the resource, can be quarter, hour, or day, 1=per person, 2=per time unit and person, 3=per unit, 4=percentage, 6=per hour, 7=per day, 8=per week, 9=per week and person, 14=per reservation, 15=per adult, 16=per time unit and adult, 17=per child, 18=per time unit and child)
event_dates string optional
For event-type resources, you can specify comma-separated start dates or start dates and times (in the same way as in resource settings).
is_published bool optional
You can set this to true if the resource should be published, or to false if you want the resource to be unpublished
compatible_products string optional
You can use this parameter to specify comma-separated product IDs compatible with the resource. If no product should be compatible, pass the value null
prop_res_xyz string optional
Custom resource properties (defined in the admin panel in: Site settings / Custom resource properties). E.g. for a custom property 'city', this would be prop_res_city (use '_' in place of all space characters).
method string required
must be set to modify_resource
language string optional
by specifying a 2-letter (ISO 639-1) language code (all capital letters e.g. EN, DE, FR, ES, IT) you can change the language of the text values returned
api_key string required
your API key - Click here to get your key. If your API key uses a hash key, you must also include the parameters hash_key and hash_timestamp.



API playground:

Click here to test this function in the API playground.